MAY 31 - JUNE 2

2024 DFL State Convention

The 2024 DFL State Convention will be held at the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center in Duluth, Minnesota, Friday, May 31 through Sunday, June 2, 2024. The Convention will be called to order Friday afternoon, reconvening on Saturday morning and again on Sunday. Convention attendees are strongly encouraged to arrive early on Friday and Saturday to get registered and then attend various training sessions which will be offered those days. The proposed agenda, rules, and more details about the Convention, as well as training opportunities, will be posted on this page when they become available.

Planning to attend?

The 2024 State Convention is an in-person event and there will be no option to participate remotely.

  • A valid credential badge must be worn at all times while in any Convention space.
  • Unseated alternates will not be admitted to the arena balcony. Alternates will be able to watch the Convention proceedings via closed-circuit video in a designated space at the DECC while waiting to be upgraded.
  • Guests and other members of the public will not be admitted to any Convention space in the DECC.


  • All attendees must pass through a security checkpoint at the City Side Convention Center entrance (Door B). 
  • Large bags and backpacks, handmade signs, banners, balloons, and noisemakers are not allowed. Bags and purses will be searched for weapons of any kind and other items not permitted at the Convention or in the DECC. Large quantities of outside food or beverages are not permitted inside the DECC. Individuals may bring food and beverages for their own use only.

Register early!

State Convention Delegates and Alternates are encouraged to pre-register for the Convention to save time picking up credential badges and other information on-site. A voluntary registration donation is requested to help the Party cover some of its costs for this three-day event. We work hard to keep the Convention revenue-neutral and keep our costs down. This voluntary registration donation goes a long way toward ensuring a productive, enjoyable, and successful convention for all. 

Delegates $150
Alternates $75

Training at the State Convention

Training sessions are offered to all State Convention delegates and alternates. Courses are designed to build the skills needed by local party leaders, activists, organizers, and anyone who wants to elect more DFLers this year. There is no additional cost to attend and all sessions will be held before the Convention convenes on both Friday and Saturday. Session descriptions and scheduled times will be posted here when available.


There are discounted room blocks on Friday and Saturday nights at these union hotels.  As with previous conventions, we do anticipate these hotels reaching capacity. We encourage you to book early. The room blocks are open and you can make your reservation by calling the hotels directly.

All blocks are listed under “2024 DFL Convention”.
These room blocks and favorable rates expire on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Holiday Inn & Suites Duluth Downtown – (218)722-1202 

  • $189-209, based on occupancy/room type
  • Complimentary on-site parking for hotel guests
  • 0.4 miles Skywalk distance from the DECC

Radisson Hotel Duluth-Harborview – 1-800-333-3333

  • $169, (2-night minimum stay)
  • Complimentary on-site parking for hotel guests
  • 0.7 miles Skywalk distance from the DECC

Voting at the State Convention

To make the voting process fast and convenient for delegates, all votes will be conducted using the same electronic voting system, Election Buddy,  employed at recent DFL State Central Committee meetings. Delegates and alternates should plan to bring their own smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Bringing a separate battery pack for recharging is strongly encouraged. While a limited supply of these devices will be available to borrow on-site, most people find it easier to use their own devices. Training on the voting procedures will be available before and during the Convention.

Accommodations & Adaptations

At the DECC, the DFL will be providing: a Quiet Room (for those who need it), a Nursing Mothers Room, a Muslim Prayer Room, an All-Gender Restroom, and accessible parking ($5/day). There will be  Real-Time Captioning during the Convention general sessions. Those interested in carpooling or sharing hotel rooms during the Convention should contact their local unit delegation.

Requesting Accommodations: To request disability accommodations during the Convention, please fill out this request form. Alternatively, you may send an email to or call the Accommodations Hotline at 651-251-6380.  The deadline for all requests is Friday, May 17, 2024.

Accommodations include (but are not limited to):

  • Convention materials in alternate formats
  • Headphones for hearing impaired
  • Headphones for language translation 
  • Additional space on the convention floor for a scooter, wheelchair, Personal Care Attendant or service animal

Wheelchair and Scooter Rental is not widely available in the Duluth area. Please make arrangements for equipment rental as soon as possible and be aware that you may need to transport the equipment yourself. 

Information needed for rental: Name, billing address, delivery location, phone number, your height and weight, and credit card to hold the reservation.

Lake Superior Medical Equipment

4730 Mike Colalillo Dr, Duluth, MN 55807
Contact: Maddi Bartel, 218-879-2211,


  • $45/week for standard size with $60 delivery fee
  • $50/week for 20” size with $60 delivery fee
  • $55/week for 22” size with $60 delivery fee
  • $60/week for  24” size with $60 delivery fee


  • $200/week with $60 delivery fee (limited availability)

London Road Rental Center

1710 London Rd, Duluth, MN 55812
Contact: 218-728-2940,


• $26/day for standard size (limited availability)

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens at the State Convention?

The 2024 DFL State Convention, to be held May 31 through June 2, at the DECC in Duluth, is the culmination of organizing activities at precinct caucuses and local conventions, where delegates from across Minnesota come together to conduct important business of the DFL State Party, including:

  • Endorsing a candidate for U.S. Senator
  • Electing sixteen At-Large and ten PLEO Delegates, as well as six At-Large Alternates, to the 2024 Democratic National Convention more info
  • Electing four Democratic National Committee members
  • Electing two Presidential Electors and two Alternates
  • Considering resolutions to include in the DFL Ongoing Platform and Action Agenda
  • Considering amendments to the DFL Constitution and Bylaws

Who may attend the State Convention?

The DFL State Convention includes approximately 1,200 delegates who have been elected at their local Organizing Unit Conventions. Additionally, DFL State Party Officers, Congressional District Chairs and Vice Chairs, DFL legislators, statewide and federal elected officials, and representatives of the tribes are automatic delegates to the State Convention.

The 2024 DFL State Convention will not be open to the public and there will be no seating for guests or alternates in the arena balcony. However, live streaming video of the Convention proceedings will be available. You must be a delegate or upgraded alternate to be seated on the Convention floor and participate in voting. Alternates are encouraged to attend the Convention, as there are often opportunities to be upgraded to delegate status during the three days of the Convention.

What happens leading up to the Convention?

On February 27, 2024, DFLers held precinct caucuses to begin the process of electing delegates to their Organizing Unit Conventions.

In March and April, Organizing Unit Conventions are held across the state to elect delegates to the State Convention, followed by Congressional District Conventions during April and May.

State Convention Committees (Platform, Constitution, Credentials, and Rules) will meet on Saturday, May 18, 2024, to conduct their pre-convention business. As committee reports are finalized, they will be posted on this page.

What are the State Convention committees and what do they do?

There are five different committees:

  • Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules recommends changes to the State DFL Constitution and Bylaws.
  • Credentials supervises registration of Convention delegates and alternates; prepares the temporary roll of the Convention. The Credentials Committee hears challenges and then reports its recommendation(s) for resolving any challenge(s) to the Convention.
  • Platform, Issues, and Legislative Affairs prepares the State Convention ballot for considering changes to the Ongoing Platform and adoption of the biennial Action Agenda.
  • Rules proposes rules for the State Convention to adopt when it is called to order. Until the Convention adopts its final rules, it is governed by the Temporary and Proposed Permanent Rules and Agenda for the State Convention. 
  • Nominations and Search screens candidates for election to the Democratic National Committee.

As committee reports are finalized, they will be posted in this section.

How are the Community Outreach Organizations involved?

The DFL Community Caucuses and Community Outreach Organizations play a large part in what makes the Minnesota DFL such a vibrant and inclusive party, and nowhere will this shine more than at the State Convention. DFLers from around Minnesota, from different communities and perspectives, will have a unique opportunity to come together to rally around our shared values and issues. These vital DFL organizations are encouraged to have a booth at the Convention and meet throughout Convention weekend.



New year, new chance to support grassroots politics! Your 2025 PCR lets you contribute $75 (or $150 as a couple) and get fully reimbursed by the state of Minnesota! Click below to chip in!

If you’ve saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.