Becoming a Delegate to the 2024 Democratic National Convention
The Minnesota DFL elects 92 pledged delegates and 6 pledged alternates to the Democratic National Convention, to be held August 19-22 in Chicago, Illinois. A summary of the procedures for electing National Delegates can be found here.
Do I need to choose a Presidential Candidate to support?
All candidates for Minnesota National Delegate must declare their preference for either President Joe Biden or Uncommitted. According to the Minnesota National Delegate Selection Plan, presidential campaigns may use their right to refuse individual candidates. Delegates are allocated according to the results of the Presidential Primary held on March 5, 2024.
Who actually elects National Delegates?
At each CD convention and the DFL State Convention, CD/State Delegates who share the same presidential preference will elect candidates from their group to be National Delegates in Chicago: supporters of President Joe Biden will elect Biden National Delegates and supporters of “Uncommitted” will elect Uncommitted National Delegates. Each DFL Congressional District (CD) Convention elects a pre-determined number of National Delegates. At-large delegates and alternates, as well as Pledged Party Leaders and Elected Officials (PLEOs) are elected at the DFL State Convention.
Who can run for National Delegate?
It is not necessary to be a delegate to your CD Convention or the State Convention to run for National Delegate. You must be at least 18 years old by November 5, 2024 and eligible to vote in the general election on that date. You may run for election as a district-level National Delegate only within the CD where you are eligible to vote.
The Minnesota National Delegate Selection Plan also includes a set of Affirmative Action Goals for the delegation:

Who can run as a Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegate?
The Minnesota DFL Party defines PLEOs as anyone who holds a public elected office in Minnesota, a DFL party office or is actively involved in DFL activities at any level.
How do I run for National Delegate?
AT YOUR CD CONVENTION: You must deliver a completed 2024 Statement of Candidacy form to the convention chair, no later than two hours before the election of National Delegates begins, at the CD convention where you intend to be a candidate.
To find your CD, use this caucus finder and enter your home address. The CD is listed at the bottom of the resulting page.

AT THE STATE CONVENTION: you can send the 2024 Statement of Candidacy form by email to or by mail to the Minnesota DFL, 255 E. Plato Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55107, to arrive before May 27, 2024 – or, at the State Convention, deliver the form to the State DFL Chair no later than two hours before the election of National Delegates begins on Sunday June 2, 2024.
CAMPAIGN IDEAS: Introduce yourself to the CD/State Delegates, before and during the convention, so you can build support for your election. Be prepared to give a one-minute speech about why they should elect you to be a National Delegate. You might share what you have done to help the DFL Party or your candidate leading up to the nominating process. Send postcards to CD/State Delegates in advance or create a flyer to hand out at the convention. This can help you stand out in the crowd when they are deciding who to support.
The DFL State Convention will be held May 31-June 2, 2024, at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC) in Duluth, Minnesota. Election of PLEO and At-Large National Delegates and At-Large Alternates will occur on Sunday, June 2.
All National Delegates and Alternates must attend a meeting on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center, immediately following adjournment of the State Convention. Delegates will elect the delegation chair and standing committee members, meet fellow delegates, and receive vital information about travel, booking hotel rooms, and a service project in the Twin Cities this summer. Headshot photos of each delegate and biographic information for the Minnesota National Delegation booklet will be taken.
What to expect as a Delegate to the 2024 Democratic National Convention
What happens at the Democratic National Convention?
The main business of the convention is to select the Democratic Party’s nominees for President and Vice President, but during its four days and nights, there is a lot of activity for delegates. If you have watched primetime television coverage of past conventions, you have seen and heard lots of political speeches. There are typically many more speeches and presentations than are televised and there is other party business conducted, as well. Before the convention calls to order each day around 5:00p.m., there are a variety of meetings and events that might interest you. Some events are for specific members, but others are open to all convention delegates.
Where will the 2024 Democratic National Convention be held?
The convention will be held August 19-22, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. There will be meetings and other activities at McCormick Place, nightly convention sessions will be at United Center, and some special events will be held at other venues. A security perimeter will be established surrounding the official convention venues and a convention credential is required for entry each day.
Where do delegates stay during the convention?
Each state delegation is assigned rooms in a specific hotel assigned by the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC). Some delegation activities are held at the hotel, including a morning breakfast meeting where delegates will get information updates and pick up their credentials for the day.
How do I get to Chicago?
Delegates are responsible for arranging their own travel to Chicago. Some delegates decide to travel together and share expenses, but the DNCC does not arrange for any transportation to the convention city.
How do I get around while in Chicago?
Transportation is provided between the delegation hotel and the convention venues. Due to security concerns, this is usually the only way to get to official convention activities. Delegates should allow extra time to travel from place to place, as they may need to wait for transportation.
How much does this cost? Who covers expenses?
Attending the convention is costly, and delegates need to cover their own expenses for travel, hotel (five-night minimum) and meals. Delegates can expect to pay $3500-4000. A small number of grants may be offered by the DFL Party, but those are usually only a few hundred dollars and a delegate must demonstrate financial need to qualify. Delegates have also raised funds with the help of their local party units, friends and family, or even by starting a GoFundMe campaign. Delegates are encouraged to reduce expenses by sharing a room with other delegates and carpooling to Chicago.
What should I expect to do at the convention?
Delegates can choose from a wide variety of options each day what to do before the convention session convenes in the late afternoon (around 5:00p.m.). There are also various parties and receptions held after the convention recesses – some may require tickets or invitations. However, delegates are required to get up early each morning for a delegation breakfast meeting where they must pick up their convention credentials. Delegates are expected to be in their seats at United Center when the convention calls to order each day. Convention sessions can run late – often till midnight or after, so be prepared for long days. The National Convention can be very enjoyable, but it can be exhausting, as well!