Minnesota DFL


Accommodations for DFL events, meetings, caucuses, and conventions

The Minnesota DFL works to accommodate the various needs of those who want to participate in our meetings and programs. Resources and guidelines on accessibility and accommodation requests for DFL events are found on this page.

2024 State Convention Accommodations

At the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC), the DFL will be providing: a Quiet Room (for those who need it), a Nursing Mothers Room, a Muslim Prayer Room, an All-Gender Restroom, and accessible parking ($5/day). There will be  Real-Time Captioning during the Convention general sessions. Those interested in carpooling or sharing hotel rooms during the Convention should contact their local unit delegation.

Requesting Accommodations: To request disability accommodations during the Convention, please fill out this request form. Alternatively, you may send an email to accommodations@dfl.org or call the Accommodations Hotline at 651-251-6380.  The deadline for all requests is Friday, May 17, 2024.

Accommodations include (but is not limited to):

  • Convention materials in alternate formats
  • Headphones for hearing impaired
  • Headphones for language translation 
  • Additional space on the convention floor for a scooter, wheelchair, Personal Care Attendant or service animal

Wheelchair and Scooter Rental is not widely available in the Duluth area. Please make arrangements for equipment rental as soon as possible and be aware that you may need to transport the equipment yourself. 

Information needed for rental: Name, billing address, delivery location, phone number, your height and weight, and credit card to hold the reservation.

Lake Superior Medical Equipment

4730 Mike Colalillo Dr, Duluth, MN 55807
Contact: Maddi Bartel, 218-879-2211, mbartel@lsmedequip.com


  • $45/week for standard size with $60 delivery fee
  • $50/week for 20” size with $60 delivery fee
  • $55/week for 22” size with $60 delivery fee
  • $60/week for  24” size with $60 delivery fee


  • $200/week with $60 delivery fee (limited availability)

London Road Rental Center

1710 London Rd, Duluth, MN 55812
Contact: 218-728-2940,  inforental@londonroadrental.com


• $26/day for standard size (limited availability)

Information for Requesting Accommodations:

  • Please complete the Accommodation Request Form so we know how to best meet your needs.
  • Accommodation requests must be submitted at least fourteen days in advance of the event.
  • Due to the coordination necessary to fulfill requests, submitting these forms even earlier is strongly encouraged.
  • Note that all of the facilities that house DFL-related events are required to be accessible.
  • If you have any other questions, please email our office by clicking the button below or by emailing accommodations@dfl.org.

Accessibility Guidelines

In order to create more accommodating and welcoming DFL meetings, caucuses, and conventions, follow the below guidelines for your next meeting:

  • Ask participants what accommodations they need. Never assume that someone needs assistance. It is best to ask questions like: “What Accommodations do you require?” or “Do you need assistance?”
  • Make sure there is an accessible path around the room, at least 36 inches in width. Also, make sure sidewalks are clear.
  • Allow longer breaks. Five minute breaks can be too short for people with disabilities or the elderly to utilize effectively. Breaks of fifteen minutes are optimal.
  • Provide accessible seating. This could be a seat at a part of the venue without stairs leading to it or simply taking away a chair or two from a table.-
  • Offer to provide meeting materials in electronic form and/or in advance of the meeting. Also, make sure materials are in a readable font and size.
  • Make sure there is accessible parking at the meeting location. If there is not, make signs and place them in spots next to the building entrance. Also, be sure to provide an access aisle.
  • Have the person running the meeting repeat audience questions.
  • Highlight paths to common destinations using signage.
  • Ensure that table heights are no taller than 36 inches, and at least 36 inches in length.
  • For more information and resources for accessible meetings and meeting rooms, visit our additional resources page.


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