Congressional District Conventions

Congressional District Party Organizing

A Congressional District is an area established by law for the election of representatives to the U.S. Congress and is the third level of the DFL Party structure.

The boundaries of Congressional Districts are determined every ten years after completion of the U.S. Census, during a process known as “redistricting,” and are dependent on the population of the state as well as the number of U.S. representative seats given to Minnesota. In general, each Congressional District is to be as equal as possible in population to all other Congressional Districts of the State. Minnesota has eight Congressional Districts. In even-numbered years, each Congressional District holds a convention with delegates who are residents of that Congressional District, elected at their DFL Organizing Unit convention. Between conventions, a Congressional District’s Central and Executive Committees are the governing bodies of a Congressional District Party Unit. You can learn more about your Congressional District’s organizing efforts here.

Participating in your Congressional District Convention

If you were elected as a delegate or an alternate at your Organizing Unit convention, you can participate in your Congressional District convention and that year’s DFL State Convention. Your Congressional District convention is conducted in a similar way to your Organizing Unit convention but deals with slightly different business. All conventions are run according to the DFL Constitution and Official Call. The DFL also utilizes Robert’s Rules of Order to help meetings run smoothly. Here is a primer to help you fully engage during the convention.

Congressional District Convention Tasks:

  • Endorse a candidate for U.S. Congress
  • Elect Congressional District party unit officers
  • Elect seven members to serve on the State Central Committee
  • Elect members to serve on State Standing Committees and State Convention Committees
  • Elect two State Directors to serve on the DFL State Executive Committee
  • Consider amendments to the Congressional District constitution



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