Participating in a Precinct Caucus
A caucus is a gathering of neighbors to discuss issues and organize the local DFL party unit. All parties have their caucuses on the same night, and the next statewide precinct caucus date is February 27, 2024. One of the important tasks that each caucus meeting will be considering resolutions to update our party platform. If there is an issue you are passionate about you can propose items for inclusion in the platform. To do that you will need to fill out this resolution form and bring it on Caucus Night (there will also be blank forms available at the caucus).
Have a scheduling conflict on caucus night?
Non-Attendee Form: If you want to participate, but cannot attend you can submit a non-attendee form found here.
Know your rights: Minnesota Statutes Section 202A.19 permits Minnesota residents to take time off from work without pay to attend precinct caucuses, provided they give their employer written notice at least 10 days in advance. State universities, community colleges, and public schools may not hold classes or events after 6:00 p.m. on the evening of precinct caucuses. State agencies, school boards, county boards, township boards, city councils, and all other political subdivisions may not conduct meetings after 6:00 p.m. on caucus night.
Click Here to Learn More About 2026 Caucuses
What to Expect at Your Precinct Caucus
1) Caucus Registration – begins by 6:30 pm
When you arrive, your first task is to sign in with your name, address, and signature affirming that you consider yourself a member of the DFL Party and not an active member of any other political party. You must be at least 16 years old to participate in precinct caucuses. To vote or be elected as a delegate during the caucus, you must be at least 18 years old and eligible to vote in the next election.
2) Meeting your Neighbors
After registration, you will have an opportunity to meet with your neighbors and build relationships with people in your community who share similar values.
3) Calling the Caucus to Order – at 7:00 pm
The first order of business during caucuses is to call the meeting to order and select a caucus chair who will oversee the meeting. You may also choose to elect a secretary to take notes and keep track of what is happening. Finally, you will need to elect two tellers who will help to count ballots on any issues that will be voted on. This is a great way to get involved during your caucus.
4) Precinct Elections
You will be able to elect precinct chairs and up to two vice-chairs. The DFL has a rule that at least one of the vice-chairs must be a different gender than the chair. Duties include identifying and organizing DFL supporters in the precinct and attending meetings held by your local unit central committee. Officers are elected for a two-year term. Nominations can occur anytime after the caucus chair has been selected and you can always nominate yourself.
5) Candidates
During your caucus, local candidates, such as those running for the Minnesota House or Senate, may stop in. They will usually make a short speech seeking your support and this is your chance to learn more about them.
6) Delegate Elections
Your caucus will select delegates and alternates to represent your precinct at the organizing unit conventions and, in some cases, other local unit conventions. Serving as a delegate will allow you to help influence politics in your area as you will participate in endorsing local candidates at your convention, selecting local DFL leadership, and possibly become a state delegate. Alternates are important because if a delegate cannot attend, they represent the precinct in their place. Your local unit may also have you elect members to participate in convention planning committees. This can be a good opportunity to get involved in a short term manner.
7) Resolutions
If there is an issue you are passionate about and would like to have it added to the DFL Party Platform or Action Agenda, you can submit a resolution for consideration at your precinct caucus. You will need to complete a form in order for the resolution to be considered, which can be found here in the coming months. For a greater explanation of this process, you can check out this video.
Have a scheduling conflict on caucus night?
Know your rights: Minnesota Statutes Section 202A.19 permits Minnesota residents to take time off from work without pay to attend precinct caucuses, provided they give their employer written notice at least 10 days in advance. State universities, community colleges, and public schools may not hold classes or events after 6:00 p.m. on the evening of precinct caucuses. State agencies, school boards, county boards, township boards, city councils, and all other political subdivisions may not conduct meetings after 6:00 p.m. on caucus night.
Non-Attendee Form: If you want to participate, but cannot attend you can submit a non-attendee form found here.