January 'Party Time' Newsletter


Caucus & Convention Planning News!


  • Unit One-On-Ones: The Party Affairs and Data departments will be meeting with units one on one to show you how to use the Action Builder tool we will use for caucus reporting on caucus night, and to make accounts for those in your unit who will be using the tool. Chairs and Vice Chairs of organizing units will have received an email today from us about signing up for a time.  Please do so as soon as possible!
  • Convention Dates/Locations: Dates and locations for organizing unit conventions are due in your Convention Report Forms by January 15th!  This ensures that you’ve locked down the sometimes tricky date and location for your convention, but it also helps candidates, guests, and potential delegates plan.



Updates for All Party Leaders!


  • 2024 Outreach Grant program: The Outreach Grant program is returning for 2024!  Details can be found at www.dfl.org/outreachgrant.  There will be 3 grant review periods next year, and the first deadline will be Sunday, January 14.  Please make sure to read the program packet before applying!
  • National Delegate Information: The Democratic National Convention takes place this year in Chicago, and you can run to be a national delegate!  Find out more about the convention and running to be a delegate at www.dfl.org/dnc.  National delegates are elected from CD conventions and the State Convention, but it is a good idea to have this link handy to give to people on caucus night as well.
  • Political Contribution Refund increase: The PCR amount that your donors can be refunded has increased for 2024!  Shout from the rooftops that individuals can now be refunded $75 ($150 for couples) when they contribute!


Officer’s Corner: Job specific updates and a monthly challenge!


  • Help find caucus convenors:  One of the biggest needs many units have in making precinct caucuses a success is convenors!  Volunteer to convene a precinct on caucus night.  It’s easy, and there is a script you can follow in real time on caucus night!  Recruiting convenors to help make caucus night a success can be a huge help to your unit’s leadership!


Data and Technology Directors

  • Get trained on Action Builder:  Action Builder is the tool we will be using on caucus night to report what happened at caucuses, and it can also be used to help make registration a breeze!  Ask your Chair about joining your unit’s one-on-one training so you can be a resource for your unit in using this tool!


Communication Directors

  • Set up a precinct caucus RSVP:  Getting caucus night on folks’ calendars can greatly increase your attendance!  Set up an event on Facebook and/or try making a Google Form for committing to caucus – you can ask for emails so you can send reminders, and you can even ask if the person would like to be sent a calendar invite!  Creating a Google Calendar for your unit can make sending invites quick and easy!


Treasurers/Fundraising Teams

  • Complete your year-end report: Your year-end report for 2023 is due on January 31st.  For information on how to use the reporting tool, visit https://cfb.mn.gov/ and check out the trainings under “Filer Resources”.  If you have any questions, the Contact Us page has a “Who to call for help” section based on the type of question you have.



  • Help out with caucus documents:  Preparing all the documents that will be needed on caucus night is a big lift!  You can help your Chair by taking on document duties, arranging for the printing and organizing help to make the packets for your precincts.


Outreach Officers/Vice Chairs

    • Approach local organizations about caucus night:  Spread the word about participating in precinct caucuses by reaching out to community organizations, DFL-friendly interest groups, and local high schools with information about your caucuses and how to participate.


Chairs & Vice Chairs

    • Sign up for your one-on-one: Be sure to read the email from us earlier today about signing up for your unit’s one-on-one meeting with staff so we can set up your accounts and train your users on Action Builder!  Check the availability of your Data & Tech Officer, Secretary, or any other volunteers you’d like to help with your caucus reporting and registration, and come to your one-on-one with a list of their names and emails so we can set up their accounts.  They are also more than welcome to attend the training – that way you don’t have to train them yourself!
    • Line up your caucus convenors: If you haven’t already, now is the time to line up the convenors you will need for precinct caucuses!  For more information on what convenors are and how many you’ll need, search the Training Hub for “2024 Precinct Caucus Training”.
    •  Report your convention date and location:  Dates and locations for conventions tend to fill up quickly, so be sure to lock down your convention location before January 15 and report it in your Convention Report Form!


As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]!


Happy Organizing!


Sonja & Laurie

Your Party Affairs Team