Alyse Maye Quade
Alyse Maye Quade is an organizer and political operative, originally from Southwestern Minnesota. Alyse has worked on the DFL Coordinated Campaign in various roles for the past three cycles – managing field programs and supporting voter protection, GOTV, and Coalition building programs. Outside of DFL Coordinated Campaign work, Alyse most recently worked at Women Winning, helping […]
Laurie Aho
Laurie Aho has a broad range of experience in DFL politics, as a party organizer, a campaign manager for four cycles, a community organizer, and a 2020 Red to Blue Coordinator with the DFL, helping candidates organize in Exurban and Greater Minnesota. As Deputy Party Affairs Director, Laurie loves helping DFL organizers and party leaders conduct […]
Sonja Johnson
Sonja Johnson has been an active member of the DFL since college working as a canvasser and an intern with the party. During the 2018 election she took on the role of Canvass Team Director for the DFL Coordinated Campaign. She currently serves as the Training Director. In this role she aims to provide local organizers […]
Melanie Jonaitis
I was born and raised in New Jersey, where I attended college at Rutgers University and got my degree in political science. Before joining the DFL, I was an intern for the DNC and then worked on NJ Governor Phil Murphey’s re-election campaign. After graduating, I went on to work for the New Jersey Democratic […]
Nora Ptacek
Nora Ptacek joined the Minnesota DFL as Deputy Finance Director in 2020 and after a busy election year, was excited to move into the role of Finance Director in July of 2021. She enjoys being able to connect with DFL stakeholders and building long lasting programs. Nora’s first official foray into politics began in her home […]
Tyler Schultz
Samuel Shively
Vlad Ryaboy
Vlad Ryaboy (He/Him) has worked for the DFL since 2012 as Deputy Research Director, Special Projects Coordinator, and Canvasser. Since 2018, he has been the Deputy Research Director. He is proud to be a part of a research team that helped elect Keith Ellison for Attorney General in 2018 and re-elect him in 2022. In the […]
Chris Soczka
Chris Soczka (He/Him) is a Deputy Research Director working in the Communications and Research Department at the Minnesota DFL. His role is to conduct opposition research. Previously, Chris worked at the DFL as a research associate in the 2018 and 2020 election cycles, collecting research and writing opposition research books. He graduated from the Humphrey School […]