May 13, 2020

MNGOP Convention Countdown: Even Amidst Global Pandemic, Jason Lewis Stands by His Decision to Gut Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions, Take Away Health Coverage from Millions of Americans

Even amidst the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Jason Lewis stands by the Trump Administration’s decision to move to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—coverage that Americans are relying on to protect them now more than ever. With Minneosta Republicans ready to back Jason Lewis as their candidate for U.S. Senate, the former congressman’s decision to stand by President Trump and rip away health care proves he is unable to work in the best interest of Minnesotans.

Earlier this year, Lewis also confirmed he did not oppose any of the Trump Administration’s proposed policies. This includes President Trump’s efforts to repeal the ACA and eliminate protections for hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans.

When in Congress, Lewis voted to weaken protections for those with pre-existing conditions, and raise the cost of premiums and insurance for older Americans. Lewis even went so far as to argue that the American Health Care Act (AHCA) “didn’t change pre-existing conditions. You still had to cover preexisting conditions. That’s a canard. A total canard!.” This all despite the nation’s nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimating that over 20 million people would have lost health coverage under the AHCA. Lewis also disputed Democrats’ contention that health care is a top issue for voters.

Lewis’ claim to protect Minnesotans from losing their health coverage is an empty promise, especially to those with pre-existing conditions. Lewis’ decision to stand by Trump and rip away health care is just another example of him putting his rigid, unyielding views ahead of Minnesotans.


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