Houston County

The Houston County DFL is a local unit of the Minnesota DFL supporting democratic principles in Houston County.


We are dedicated volunteers advocating for the Rural Issues that impact our region including Healthcare, Education, Child Care, Family Farms, Land Stewardship, Voting Rights, and Reproductive Freedom.



Caledonia High School: Caledonia P-1, P-2, Caledonia Twp, Crooked Creek Twp, Eitzen, Jefferson Twp, Mayville Twp, and Winnebago Twp.

Houston High School: Houston, Houston Twp, Money Creek Twp, Mound Prairie Twp, Sheldon Twp, and Yucatan Twp.

Spring Grove High School: Black Hammer Twp, Spring Grove, Spring Grove Twp, Wilmington Twp.

La Crescent High School: Brownsville, Brownsville Twp, Hokah, Hokah Twp, La Crescent P-1, P-2 & P-3, LaCrescent Twp, Union Twp.


You can support our local unit using the “Donate URL” link under the Connect section below.  Give $75 – Get $75.  Each year the MN Political Contribution Refund (PCR) allows Minnesotans to donate $75/person ($150/married couple) and receive a refund from the State of MN. (Note: The donate button in the top ribbon links to the MN DFL)


Houston County DFL Leadership

Executive Committee

Chair – Teresa O’Donnell-Ebner – La Crescent, MN
Vice-Chair – Jason Ludwigson – La Crescent, MN
Outreach & Inclusion Officer – Janette Dean, Caledonia, MN
Secretary – Heather Hulett, La Crescent, MN
Treasurer – Doug Thompson – Houston, MN


Regina Chihak
Robin Tschumper
Vicki Olson
Beth Becker
Jim Nissen
Jeremy Wise
Ken Tschumper
Len Huegel


Accommodation Resources

Here you can find some recommendations as well as resources on planning unit events.


DFL Party Documents

Here you can find the DFL Constitution, Official Call, Platform, and Action Agenda.
