August 13, 2024

DFL Statement on Anti-Abortion Activist’s Victory in CD2 GOP Primary

ST PAUL – Today the Minnesota DFL Party released the following statement after anti-abortion activist Joe Teirab (R-Minnetonka) was declared the winner of the Second Congressional District Republican Primary.

“Joe Teirab has worked his entire adult life to get rid of abortion access and is completely beholden to the Washington Republicans who want to help him do it,” said DFL Chairman Ken Martin. “An anti-abortion Minnetonka resident who only moved into the district because the Republican establishment wanted him to run for Congress is a terrible fit for this pro-choice and fiercely independent district. The Second District is Angie’s home, and we are confident that her neighbors will reelect her so that she can continue delivering for local police departments and fighting for lower health care costs.”

Joe Teirab lived in Minnetonka until very recently. He sits on the board of New Life Family Services, a non-profit organization that runs several anti-abortion centers in Minnesota. He was named as a priority candidate for both the National Republican Congressional Committee and the Congressional Leadership Fund, a top Republican-aligned super PAC.

In April, Congresswoman Craig was endorsed by the Minnesota Police & Peace Officers Association (MPPOA).


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