Precinct Caucus Planning

Precinct Caucus Planning Materials

This is the main resource page for Organizing Units Planning Precinct Caucuses.

You can find information on participating in Precinct Caucus Night here.

Key Dates

 – November 1, 2023 – All Caucus Locations must be reported to the State Party

 – December 9, 2023 – Caucus Kits will be distributed at the State Central Committee Meeting

 – February 27, 2024 – Precinct Caucus Night

– March 9, 2024 – All Caucus Data Entry must be Complete

Caucus Location Reporting

Caucus Locations must be reported to the State Party by November 1, 2023

Current List of Reported Caucus Locations: This is a list to review currently reported locations. Access to spreadsheets for reporting caucus locations has been sent to Organizing Unit Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Secretaries. If you need help with reporting locations please email:

⇒ Proof of Insurance: Some locations will require Proof of Insurance for Caucus Night. You can request this through the State Party using the linked form.  If you have questions about insurance certificates, email our Operations Director, Jayne Weseman, at

Caucus Planning Training

Precinct Caucus Training Tour

We recorded our live trainings and made them available on the DFL Training Hub.  Here is how you can access those recordings:

  1. Log in or create an account at
  2. Click on “Content Library”
  3. Search for “2024” to find the learning path entitled 2024 Precinct Caucus training

Trainings currently available in this learning path include:

  • Phase 1 precinct caucus training (covering finding and reporting caucus locations, budgeting for caucuses, and making a communications plan)
  • Caucus Convenor/Caucus Chair training and guide
  • Phase 2 training (from the November training tour): You can access the training slides HERE

Planning Resources

⇒Precinct Caucus Kit Instructions – Explains what needs to happen with your kit materials.

⇒2024 Precinct Caucus Planning GuideLays out what you will need to do to plan a successful precinct caucus night. 

⇒Convention Planning Materials *Still in development*- Provides some basic guidelines for planning your convention. Not related to caucuses, but will be in your caucus kit. 

⇒Accessibility GuidelinesProvides guidelines for accessibility at precinct caucus.

Registration Materials

These are the materials your volunteer team will use to register caucus attendees on caucus night.

*NOTE:  In order to access this tool, you will need to request an account HERE. You will receive an invitation to start practicing with the tool the Monday after you request access.

Electronic Registration Tool Training – A video training will be posted on the Training Hub by 01/19 on how to use action builder. Trainings will also be done with each unit – Sign up for unit trainings

⇒Electronic Registration Tool Instructions (multiple for each precinct) –  Basic explanation of how to use the tool. Can be on the registration table to support registration volunteers. This document will be provided in the precinct caucus kit and links will be added when they become available.

Mobile Guide

Desktop Guide

Request Caucus Registration Tool Account  –  This link will take you to a google form to request both an account we will only give individuals approved by unit chairs access to their real precinct caucus list. We are planning to make accounts approximately once a week starting in early January.

Link to Login for Caucus Registration Tool – You can only log in if you have already had an account made.

Caucus Registration Tool Mobile Guide –  This link will guide you through a practice session on how to register attendees via your mobile smartphone.

⇒Caucus Registration Tool Desktop Guide – This link will guide you through a practice session on how to register attendees via your computer or laptop device.

⇒Blank Caucus Registration Sheets (multiple for each precinct) –  If your unit uses the electronic registration system, these will be used to sign-in individuals that need to be added to the system. If your unit does not choose to use the new electronic caucus registration tool, attendees can sign in using these forms.  

Caucus Kit Materials

Below are materials you will need to collect, copy, or prepare for each precinct caucus meeting in your unit. 

⇒Map or Description of Precinct Boundaries You will need to find and provide a map of the precinct to each convener for posting at the caucus room location. (Maps are available at  

⇒Precinct Caucus Convenor Instructions  & Convenor Script (1 copy per precinct) – Provides detailed instructions for Conveners and Caucus Chairs. You should plan to meet with your convenors to go over this packet and give them specifics related to their caucus. In addition, you can direct your convenors to complete the convenor training on the DFL Training Hub. This document will be provided in the precinct caucus kit and links will be added when they become available.

⇒DFL Caucus Registration Affirmation (1 copy per precinct) – This sign must be displayed in the precinct caucus registration area. NOTE: This is the most up-to date version of the affirmation sign, as voted on by the State Central Committee on 1/25/22.

⇒Caucus Rules/Agenda and Basic Information Sheet (1 copy for each attendee)This sheet includes the basics of participating in the caucus as well as sample rules and an agenda. You cannot remove items from the agenda, but you can add local business. Make your best guess on how many copies will be needed for your caucuses based on previous attendance. Make sure you copy both sides.  

⇒Resolution Form (1 copy for each attendee) – All resolutions for a precinct must be attached to this form.  

⇒Non-Attendee Form (multiple copies for each precinct) – If a voter cannot attend caucus or must leave the caucus early, filling out this form and delivering it to the Unit Chair or Caucus Chair allows their name to be put into nomination for offices they have indicated. An e-signature capable form can be found here.

⇒Precinct Caucus Report Forms (at least 1 set for each precinct)Depending on the size of a precinct they may need multiple sets of some of the forms. These will be the written record of what occurred at the caucus.  

⇒Convention and Pre-Convention Committee Sample Notice (At least one notice per delegate and alternate) – You can download this document to edit it as a Word document or make a copy in Google. You will need to add your convention information to the notice. There are 6 notices per page, so they will need to be cut.

⇒House Caucus Letters (1 copy for each attendee) – Needs to be put out for attendees to take. Documents will be provided in the kit.

⇒Senate Caucus Letters (1 copy for each attendee) – Needs to be put out for attendees to take. Documents will be provided in the kit.

⇒Local Information – Provide locations and times of local elections, pre-convention committee meetings, and any other relevant information or events.

The State DFL will provide enough copies of the following documents for each precinct. The following information is just for your reference. 

⇒Precinct Envelopes – These will be provided in your caucus kit. Complete the information on the front: precinct name, number of delegates to be elected, time, and location of your CD Convention. Place all materials for each caucus in this envelope. If all the materials don’t fit in the envelope, you can use something else to pack the materials, but be sure to include that envelope for the conveners.

⇒2022 Precinct Caucus Report Coversheet – This page needs to be attached to the top of each caucus’s packet of report forms. One cover sheet is provided for each precinct in your caucus kit.   

⇒Party Documents (Constitution, Official Call, and Platform)In your caucus kit there will be enough of these to give one copy to each precinct. If you need more for some reason, they can be found at

2024 Caucus Envelope



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